
Th Egg is the centre of our universe. For some of our costumers it is the final point, for others it is the starting one.
No matter your necessity, in BHI you can find the specific know how applicable at any step of your value chain. Our consultants matured a long term experience from breeding to hatching, available at your service for projects' evaluations.

Conceptual & technical design

Vaccine plant production
Clean eggs plant production:
this is where we started from, the production of pharmaceutical eggs. We were the first that started and guarantee the 'physical traceability' in the clean egg production. In other words, from the laying of the eggs to the harvest of the vaccine the chicken and eggs are always segregated; therefore, it is impossible that any cross contamination can take place and compromise the production.

Primary incubation plant
The primary incubation is a critical aspect in the vaccines production. As a result, the development of the hatchery has to be in line with the 'physical traceability' concept and the segregation of the eggs all the production process. This starts from the blue print, this is the reason for the importance of a sound conceptual & technical design done by the experienced team we have.

Secondary incubation plant
Clean eggs' supplier selection
Producing clean eggs has been our job for the past decades; this is the key to the success of any vaccine production. We have the know- how imprinted in our DNA this is why we know that every detail counts and can make a big difference. This can determine future vaccine contamination and vaccine yield per egg. The 'partner' you choose is the most important player in your vaccine production, choose him well it can comprise your success. We can help you in choosing this partner, and we can select him for you because we have been doing and are still this job every day, we know the key factor for success.

Production training

Our team can match up with your people and help them grow in this business. The training we are specialist consist in training at your plant and also at our facilities to develop the perfect skills to succeed. We will be beside you until you feel confortable and became proficient.

Clean eggs plant production
Growing the breeders
This is where all starts. This is the most important phase of your vaccine production. If you are able to grow a homogeneous and healthy flock you are half way done. This will determine the vaccination you will have to do in your flock, remember the less vaccination you make to them the best reaction you will have in the embryos and the clearer picture of their health.

Producing the clean eggs

In this phase if you did a good job before, you have to worry about possible contamination to the flock and or to the eggs. This means setting up the right procedure having the correct lay out of the production site and chicken house equipment. We can help in these steps and set up the right structure and train the workers, which are the most important and most critical factor in your production. In this phase the methodology and clear understanding of the risks are the key factor for success.

Primary incubation production training

Here we take care of all the work done until this point. In this phase you have to select and take care of the eggs. You have to be certain that you deliver good live, healthy and homogeneous embryos to the inoculation. This process can determine the vaccine yield per egg and vaccine contamination, we have the right ambience for growing the embryos and the bacteria do not forget. The persons that work in this sector are the most skilled people you have in the process, they have to look inside every egg and immediately recognize a potential problem. They need the most training and e are ready to set them for success.

Secondary incubation production training

The secondary incubation training consists in the egg handling and machine operation in its complex hidden parts. We have training for the loading of the eggs in order to have good homogeneous results, emergency intervention, traceability section of the production's batches, and maintenance training.

Real tracebility system set up


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